I guess my post at DruzzilRo.com alone may have limited the exposure of this event, so here's a copy of the key information from my post to get a bit more exposure. This is not an official event or anything, just a bunch of people getting together to kill one another for an hour or two.
 Where: Arena in Lake Rathe When: Sunday, November 16; 5:00 PM PT Rules: * Open to everyone on the server, we'll set up a registration crew to get the names of everyone participating at the start (this is so someone can't walk into the arena at the end of the fight and be the winner). * All players must stay inside the PVP area - if you are seen outside the PVP area you will be disqualified. * No heal/buff-bots allowed outside the PVP walls, because that is gay. * When you die, you are out - no rezzes please. Just join the cheering section and root on your guild/friends. * The fighting will continue until there is a single guild/person standing. * No horses.