It's been 5 long weeks since my last update that marked our entrance to Txevu. In those 5 weeks, we've spent time working our way through Txevu as well as doing what seems to be the endless task of flagging new recruits (I could swear that we didn't backtrack this much to flag new guests when we started in Plane of Time...).
So last Monday, we finally got around to killing High Priest Nkosi Bakari in Txevu, which brought us one step closer to Tacvi with only Zun`Muram Tkarish Zyk (seriously, who thinks up these names?) standing in our way. After several days of frustrating "near-wins", we finally pulled it all together tonight and brought his ass down.

It has taken a lot of hard work and planning, and I wish that I was more a part of driving the guild through these events, but my schedule has not allowed for that as much lately (btw, thank you everyone for blowing your earlier attempts tonight so that my slacker ass could be there for the 1st kill)!
I'm not usually one for loading down our news page with loot, but I'm also not crazy about writing news updates and felt that the last several updates I have done have been rather boring... so here's tonights drops (he also dropped a Shard of Dark Matter for the BiC quest:

Finally, for good measure, I mentioned that we killed the High Priest back on Monday, and Gemmi had posted a nice shot of his corpse from the occasion, and like I said, my news posts are too damn boring - so here ya go.